Monday, August 15, 2011

Debbie Downer

or as IJ calls me "Ms. Negativity". In a totally bad headspace about today's beta. I was not wanting to leave the house, then hesitated to get out of the car at the RE's office, then cried when I got back into the car after the blood draw. I just do not have a good feeing about the results. I have ZERO symptoms. Nothing. Not a one. One good thing, I wore my same socks as I wore for the ER and ET. Maybe they will bring me full circle good news....

I should get the call in the next 3 hours or so. I will probably gain 10lbs eating in the meantime. I tend to eat when I am nervous. Yeah, I know, not a good habit. But at least I kept it to a banana and a low sugar granola bar.

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