Thursday, May 17, 2012

32 week update

My baby this week: size of a squash. He still seems to have room to move and loves to punch and kick his mom.

Weight Gain: 21 lbs. total. um WHAT?!?! 7lb gain in 4 weeks.

Baby bump: 

Sleep: Not sleeping as deeply and definitely not as comfortable.

Best moment of the week: Making progress in the nursery this past weekend - shelves and hat rack hung up, name decal on the wall and frames bought.

Symptoms: Hungry. So very hungry but trying to eat as well as I can. 

Food cravings: Lemonade and rice crispy treats.

What I miss: I missed wine on our anniversary when we went out to dinner, but that faded fast. I do miss deep sleep though.

What I am looking forward to: My ultrasound next Thursday. So hoping the previa is better.

Milestones: Third trimester!!

Emotions: Fairly stable but very easily irritated - mainly at work.


Sarra said...

You are looking amazing!!! I feel you on the deep sleep thing. I'm sorry to tell you it only gets worse as the weeks go by. The good news is that it won't last forever, hehe. Great to see your update. Hope your u/s goes great and the placenta has moved!

melissa said...

Thanks Sarra - you are getting so close! And you look great too.